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Blue Umbrella Day Campaign


Blue Umbrella Day Campaign

In 2007, the Government of India conducted the National Study on Child Abuse. The study found that 52% of children who reported being sexually abused were boys. But this did not help to break the silence and sexual violence against boys continue to remain a taboo and there is hardly any awareness on this issue. Even when such incidents take place the gender norms and stereotypical constructions of masculinities ensure that these cases are not reported. There is complete denial. There are very few platforms where this issue is taken up.

Praajak has been working on this issue from its early days trying to address the root causes behind this silence, denial and non-reporting. Through its gender trainings and campaigns Praajak has been consistently raising this issue in the different platforms.

Since 2020, Praajak is collaborating with a global civil society network, Family for Every Child to be part of the international Blue Umbrella Day campaign on the 16 th April. The aim of the campaign is to highlight the issue, raise awareness within communities and create the necessary ecosystem that ensures reporting of these incidents. Praajak is also working to ensure that the existing services to survivors of child sexual abuse are also sensitive to the needs of boys.

Praajak has formed a steering committee that has men who are adult survivors of sexual abuse and bullying and are preparing plans for year long campaign on this issue in Praajak’s project locations across West Bengal and also through the social media platforms.