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Diversion from JJB: Mukesh (name changed)


Mukesh (name changed)
Mukesh was a CCL and Praajak was referred to this case to look into the rehabilitation of this child. This child was apprehended being charged with theft on two occasions, once for the theft of a mobile and the second time for the theft of a bike. Praajak was ordered to follow up with the case when he was being released from OH in 2019. Though his mother was apprehensive to take him back home because of the surroundings as she feared that the gang would influence her son again, Rajesh was released from the OH and Praajak was given the responsibility of following up with him and provide JJB with reports as and when ordered. When the incident occurred, Rajesh was 17 years and in Class XII.

We kept on the follow up and advocated with the PM to dispose of the case. The case was disposed in early 2020

Constant following up with the family, referring Rajesh to senior psychologists, it has been a long journey. Rajesh was not willing to go back to school, he was extremely good at painting, but he felt uncomfortable resuming his painting class due to the social stigma of being identified as a thief. He did not appear for the Higher Secondary Exams and just remained within his house and his aggression was on the rise. Lockdown was particularly tough, when he eloped and married a girl elder to her. There was series of meetings with him, sessions with him and his wife and mother. Sustained interventions with him, this year Rajesh cleared his Higher Secondary Exams and is taking regular classes to clear the entrance to get admitted in the Government Art College.